Strict Standards: Declaration of action_plugin_statistics::register() should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register($controller) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/statistics/action.php on line 14

Strict Standards: Declaration of action_plugin_data::register() should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register($controller) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/data/action.php on line 165

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/statistics/action.php:14) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/auth.php on line 339

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/statistics/action.php:14) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/actions.php on line 162
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  sheehan-test (Backlinks)

Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_open() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL, $pos = NULL) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/parser/metadata.php on line 24

Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_close() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_close($pos = NULL) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/parser/metadata.php on line 24

Strict Standards: Declaration of syntax_plugin_data_list::postList() should be compatible with syntax_plugin_data_table::postList($data, $rowcnt) in /www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/data/syntax/list.php on line 15

Sheehan-Test / Sheehan Panic Disorder Scale (SPS)

Der Sheehan-Test fragt nach verschiedenen körperlichen und psychischen Symptomen, die üblicherweise bei Angst- und Panikanfällen auftreten. Der Patient soll bewerten, wie oft er in der letzten Woche an diesen Symptomen gelitten hat, und zwar durch Ziffern von 0 bis 4 (0 = gar nicht, 1 = etwas, 2 = mäßig, 3 = merklich, 4 = sehr stark).
Das Ergebnis liefert einen Hinweis darauf, ob möglicherweise eine Angststörung vorliegt.

Der Sheehan-Test im Internet:

sheehan-test.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/07/06 22:45 von merle