Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_open() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL, $pos = NULL) in
/www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/parser/metadata.php on line
Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_close() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_close($pos = NULL) in
/www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/inc/parser/metadata.php on line
Strict Standards: Declaration of syntax_plugin_data_list::postList() should be compatible with syntax_plugin_data_table::postList($data, $rowcnt) in
/www/htdocs/v159911/deprilibri/lib/plugins/data/syntax/list.php on line
15, Tel. 0800/111 0 111 und 0800/111 0 222
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